Saturday, 8 October 2022

The Healthiest Foods for Male Fertility

You and your spouse are probably well aware of the many advantages of a healthy diet. But some foods might increase his sperm production and quality. You're less likely to experience pregnancy difficulties if your sperm are in better health. Fertility Clinic in Delhi advice meals that helps to promote fertility.


Oysters are considered aphrodisiacs for a reason. They have the highest zinc content per serving of any food, and by boosting sperm volume and motility, foods strong in zinc may support male fertility.

Veggies and Fruit

The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, such as cranberries and collard greens, may help maintain sperm healthy and quick, which is exactly what they need to fly through the fallopian tubes and fertilize an egg and protect them from cellular damage. In the meantime, sperm mobility and count may be modestly elevated by vitamins E and C.


According to certain studies supported by the nut business, nuts may enhance the quality and functionality of sperm. For instance, walnuts might improve sperm quality. That's because walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.


Zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in pumpkin seeds, and both of these nutrients may boost sperm quality.

Looking for additional methods to get plenty of omega-3s? Consider consuming flaxseed, chia seeds, or sunflower seeds, which provide vitamin E and other antioxidants that could aid to increase sperm production and motility.

Pomegranate Juice

The pomegranate is a significant actor in the world of antioxidants. Some animal studies have revealed that pomegranate juice improves the quality of sperm, however, it has not yet been demonstrated that this effect also applies to people. A little pomegranate juice can't hurt in the interim. Have him add it to a smoothie or substitute it for his daily OJ.