Tuesday 19 July 2022

Best IVF Doctor In Delhi

Infertility is a concept when the eggs are not fertilized by sperm in a natural way. In India almost  million couples face this problem. With the help of advanced science and expert knowledge, treatment is an option. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a broadly known process and treatment of infertility. IVF is an efficient form of ART (assisted reproductive technology). It is a surgical process where sperm  fertilizes an egg in a laboratory and with the  help of this procedure fertilized egg is implemented in the mother's womb. In this method, popularly known as test tube baby programme, ova from the wife (female) and sperms from husband are collected and are induced to form zygote under simulated condition in the laboratory.


The procedure for IVF treatment is as follows-

  1. Collection of eggs- with the help of surgical procedure doctors obtain mature eggs from ovaries.

  2. Mixing with sperm- a sperm sample is mixed with the eggs in the laboratory.

  3. Fertilize with eggs- sperms successful fertilize with the eggs, formation of embryos occur and ready to transfer.

Stages of fertilising:-

  1. Cleavage stage- embryo is just 2-3 days old

  2. Blastocysts-  when embryos is just 5-6 days old


      4. Embryo transfer- embryos (fertilized egg) are placed back into the uterus or women's fallopian tube in the lower part of the uterus called cervix.

Advantage of IVF:-

  • Helps in achieving successful pregnancy

  • Blocked tube, low ovarian reserve, male infertility solved by IVF

  • More successful than other methods of ART like IUI

  • Help single women and couple having same sex

  • Donate the unused embryos to other needy

Disadvantages of IVF:-

  • Not always a successful pregnancy

  • Chances of miscarriage is slightly higher

  • Treatment can be expensive

  • IVF demands emotional and psychological balance

Many couples come from all over the country as well as the world for the low cost treatment in the medical hub of India. You can easily find best IVF Doctors in Delhi with international reputation. IVF gives hope and happiness to the couples from infertility, but you need to be realistic, positive and patience. 

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Where i Can Get Best IVF Treatment in Delhi?


IVF is the short form of In-Vitro Fertilization.

It is a modern scientific way of reproduction using technology. It is a method that allows all fertile people who face problems in conceiving to conceive a child. The process involves a series of methods carried out by a doctor under proper care. This process is a little bit more on a pricier side. There are many IVF clinics present in Delhi. The price range for an IVF Treatment in Delhi ranges from Rs.25,000 to Rs.2,50,000. You can easily find one suitable according to your suitability. 

       Procedure of IVF Treatment 

       IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization involves a series of methods. The first step is the extraction of eggs from ovaries. The mature eggs are collected from ovaries of the woman who wants to conceive the baby. Then it is fertilized with the sperm of the man outside the body in the laboratory. His fertilization results in the embryo in the lab. Then, this embryo is transferred to the uterus of the woman. The woman gave birth to the baby like any other normal woman. This is the full procedure of IVF. 

        Reasons of IVF

        A couple opt for IVF if due to any reason they can’t conceive and     have a baby. The most common reason is infertility. Other possible reasons can be like less sperm production, damaged or blocked fallopian tube, endometriosis and uterine fibroids. It could be infertility in men or women. Both are equally prone to infertility in this modern world due to the lifestyle and food habits. The bad lifestyle, excessive stress, pollution, intake of drugs that disrupt hormones and many other factors are responsible for infertility. This is increasing day by day. 

        Is IVF helpful?

      IVF is an option selected by many couples due to many reasons stated above. The success rate of IVF depends on the person and process. Talking in general, 30% to 35% cases of IVF in India are successful. The success rate is more in females younger than 35. Now, with the introduction of newer technologies, the success rate is increasing. The new “Freeze All” procedure is such an advanced process that the embryos evolve later in it. Thus, if anyone is thinking of going for an IVF, then take a chance on it. It is proven to be helpful to many people and the success rate is increasing day by day. 

       IVF Treatment Cost in Delhi

      Delhi has many reputed IVF Treatment doctors and clinics. The IVF doctor in Delhi offers a high success rate. They use modern technologies in their laboratory to provide best results to their patients. But you can’t deny the fact that IVF is costly for many couples. It is a long procedure with many steps. Thus, the cost of treatment increases. If you plan to go for basic IVF, then it will range from Rs.80,000 to Rs.2,50,000. If you want to use advanced technologies, then the range varies from Rs.2,00,000 to Rs.5,00,000, according to the technologies used.

      IVF is a way for having a child in case of infertility but always keep in mind the cost of it. Before going for IVF, research about it very well.

Thursday 28 April 2022

Tips By Infertility Specialists in Delhi - Increase Male Fertility

Male infertility is a medical condition in which a man has a low chance of conceiving with his female partner. This can be due to numerous factors, which are low sperm count and poor sperm quality.

Numerous factors told by the Fertility Clinic in Delhi contribute to infertility, such as genetics, crash dieting, health problems, and infections. Male infertility cannot permanently be cured, but it can be improved by leading a healthy lifestyle

  • Some most effective methods for increasing male fertility and sperm count.
  • Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly.

An Infertility Specialist in Delhi said that daily exercise benefits you in various ways, including increasing your confidence, staying in shape, and increasing your testosterone levels. According to one study, men who exercise daily have higher testosterone levels and thus better sperm quality than inactive men. Excessive exercise and physical stress, on the other hand, can lower testosterone levels. To stay physically active and fit, one should engage in an adequate daily activity as part of a routine.

  • Increase intake of vitamins C and D

A high level of ROS (reactive oxygen species) causes injury and inflammation within body tissues, increasing the risk of chronic disease. This also increases men's chances of infertility. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Adequate vitamin C intake may improve sperm quality. According to one study, taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C supplements twice a day for two months can increase sperm motility by 92% and sperm quantity by 100%. Vitamin D is a necessary nutrient that can increase testosterone levels and possibly sperm motility.

  • Maintain Your Calm and Reduce Your Stress

Indeed, stress (physical, mental, or emotional) can lead to an unhappy lifestyle and impact fertility. Excessive stress raises cortisol levels, which harm testosterone levels. To combat stress and anxiety, you must use appropriate relaxation techniques. This may include meditation, regular exercise, yoga, and other activities. The ultimate goal should be to manage stress at various levels in daily life.

Thursday 10 March 2022

IVF: an appropriate solution to your fertility problems

Parenthood is the best feeling ever, right? We all agree with it and not only this but every phase of being a parent is amazing in itself. And most of the mesmerizing phase of this whole journey is pregnancy. Yes, it’s considered to be the most delicate and intricate phase of a woman's life. But it’s the most memorable one at the same time.

Is there something which is withholding your experience of becoming a parent? Don't you worry folks, it’s okay if you are experiencing any infertility issues. We understand the pain behind it, but why to worry if technology has come up with a solution to it.

Yes, the solution is IVF, In Vitro Fertilization. If you’re already looking for help with the IVF process, go for it and search for an IVF centre in Delhi or IVF specialist

Talking about IVF centers in Delhi, The Nurture IVF is one of the best. They will wisely diagnose the cause of infertility, take you through IVF treatment accordingly and nurture you throughout the gestation period.

So let’s gather up some information on IVF and see how it can help through your journey of becoming a parent.

What is IVF?

In Vitro fertilazation is technique in which eggs and sperms are extracted from the respective male and female, fertilized in a test tube and the resultant embryo is finally implanted into the female’s uterus.

The 3 stages in the IVF process are follicle aspiration, fertilization and embryo transfer. In the first stage the eggs are harvested from the ovaries by first viewing them with the help of the ultrasound probe. This is done by inserting a thin needle into and through the vaginal wall, guided into the ovary. 

In the next stage, the eggs collected are immediately transferred to the lab where the healthiest ones are mixed with several sperm through a process known as insemination. The fertilized eggs are monitored for 3-5 days to ensure growth.

In the final stage, some of the developing embryos are immediately transferred to the uterus while the rest are frozen and stored for future use. 

See how well planned and smart the IVF process is, so if you want to get IVF done do your research and start searching for an IVF expert in Delhi or IVF clinic in Delhi. To get more insights on the topic, let’s see who can opt for IVF and the conditions in which you should go for IVF treatment.

Who should opt for IVF treatment?

There are various factors currently, which have increased the need for IVF.

  • The commonest amongst them in the females would be tubal factor. In the tubal factor the tubes get damaged that is, the main passage where fertilization takes palce gets blocked. These patients are the main group of patients where IVF is indicated. 

  • Apart from that the patients with endometriosis where eggs get trapped in the endometriomas also alter the tubes, so finally, normal pregnancy in these patients become a very difficult phenomenon. These patients can easily undergo IVF and have much better chances of pregnancy. 

  • If the mother’s age is very high then there are chances that eggs are bad or have poor quality. In these patients we do have an option of producing embryos, testing them for genetic makeup and then implanting them. 

  • Apart from that the patients with PCOS, or in case of male partner having some sperm abnormality are also suggested to go for IVF. 

So get to know your infertility by visiting a fertility clinic in Delhi or infertility specialist in Delhi and if IVF seems to be the best treatment for you, go for a best IVF doctor in Delhi.   


Wednesday 23 February 2022

Best Ivf Clinic in delhi | Nurture IVF

The couples who face difficulty in conceiving go to IVF clinics. They consult an IVF specialist and go for fertility treatments. The question that often disturbs them is how to choose the best fertility clinic.

If you are looking for an IVF clinic in  Delhi, you can contact the Nurture IVF clinic. It is a standalone IVF center in Delhi.

It is undoubtedly the best IVF clinic Delhi has in it. We, at The Nurture IVF clinic, make sure that couples, who come to us for fertility treatments, return with a baby. 

Features of a good fertility clinic

To select the best fertility clinic, you have to go through thorough research. We have presented for you a few features which you need to look for before finalizing a particular fertility clinic.

1) Choose a clinic after considering the success rates.

It is one of the most vital things to consider. An IVF clinic may often give the details on the website. However, it is always best to discuss the details in person and check the success rates based on the age of people.

2) Look for an IVF clinic that has experienced professionals.

A good IVF clinic will have experienced staff. The staff members include nurses, financial advisors, counselors, lab staff, and more. They should know how to treat critical cases and take proper care while carrying out in vitro fertilization.

We, at The Nurture IVF clinic, have IVF expert in Delhi who carry out each step of the process carefully.

3) Research thoroughly about the facilities an IVF clinic offers and the techniques it uses for treatment.

Choose an IVF clinic that offers all the modern fertility treatments. It should provide maximum comfort and convenience to the couple undergoing this fertility treatment. Prefer fertility clinics having in-house staff. They should have corresponding facilities to carry out Blastocyst Culture, Laser Assisted Hatching, Embryo scope, and many more.

4) The IVF clinic should be transparent regarding the costs and the procedures. 

An ideal IVF clinic will maintain a professional outlook and transparency in ways of finance and treatment.

Make sure that the clinic offers clarity regarding all the financial and medical procedures. Check if the amount stated in the beginning is the actual amount to be paid. It will help you manage your funds or make necessary arrangements if required.

Final Words

Opt for a clinic that has all the above features. The Nurture IVF clinic has the best IVF specialist in Delhi and provides different treatments to patients based on their criteria and health conditions. We aim to provide the best IVF treatment in Delhi to all our patients and hence, we carry out the treatment through a specialized IVF doctor in Delhi.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

How An Experienced And Expert IVF Specialist And ICSI Treatment Can Solve Infertility Problems

Finding the solution for prevailing infertility is essential as soon as you come to know about it. Although the topic is well-spread and people are aware of about it as compared to a few decades ago, however, the focus should be given to consulting an experience and skilled IVF specialist in Delhi if you want to find a perfect or favorable outcome from the treatments that are available in plenty of option now. One of the forms of the IVF treatment is ICSI treatment in Delhi which is an advanced method or formula to treat extreme male dominating infertility factors like low sperm count, low motility and so on.

What kind of expertise you should look in an IVF expert?

IVF Specialist in Delhi

First of all, you should select a board-certified IVF doctor. He must be skilled and specialized in treating couples through the latest and advanced IVF methods or assisted reproductive technology. Apart from this, you should also see that the IVF specialist should not be migrant in this profession only because he finds it more lucrative in terms of financial gain. He should have expertise in assessing, evaluating, diagnosing root issue and offer treatment that has the highest chance of getting success.

Why experience is essential factors?

Experience is reckoned as one of the concrete pillars in the doctor's ability and expertise to solve your inability to conceive naturally. An experienced IVF specialist in Delhi has already performed various normal to critical and chronic issues before. He knows how to deal with different individual based on their prevalent condition. Over the years, they develop a better understanding and insight to treat the condition through the best option available. This is the reason why such doctors have a high rate of success.

How ICSI treatment can help to conceive?

There could be various reasons that may halt your ability to conceive naturally, male dominating factors are one of them. Usually, we think that infertility issue only erupts due to women-oriented infertility problem. This is not true, male-related infertility factors may also inhibit women's ability to conceive.

The ICSI treatment in Delhi can be very effective in solving such problems. In this procedure, single, healthy and viable sperm is selected and it is directly injected into the egg. It improves the chances of conception and also removes the hurdles of lack of penetration by the sperm.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Three Extremely Important Factors To Consider During The Selection Of The IVF Clinic

Couples suffering from infertility issues usually have mix emotions and sentiments. They live in both hope and despair. The reason for desperation is the fact that they could not conceive naturally and drift here and there in search of productive solutions. However, they still have hope inside because IVF clinic in Delhi is capable of producing positive and satisfying results in multiple infertility cases. Hence, the moral of the story is that no matter how complex your infertility condition is, it all takes one capable clinic to help you get a breakthrough you are waiting for so long.

Finding a quality IVF clinic

Being an optimist is the first step, however, the second and the most a vital step is the find out the most qualified and clinically capable fertility clinic. Why I am emphasizing so much on the quality of the IVF clinic is the fact that the quality and experience of the clinic that comprises the whole team of IVF doctors, gynecologist, embryologist, lab technician, and other members and staff plays a decisive role in acquiring positive pregnancy and healthy and safe delivery at the end. Along with medical treatment, it is also a process and assessment of every possibility that comes with the sheer insight of a well-organized and comprehensively managed fertility clinic.

So, in order to achieve a positive and satisfying IVF results, you should be wise and careful while making a selection of a viable fertility clinic. Remember, your decision might sprout the chance of success or push you're towards the trench of hopelessness for a bit more time. So, we recommend you to highly focus on the following three important factors that will build the foundation of a right decision to choose the best IVF clinic.

1. Credentials and Facility

It is extremely important that you should check the reputation and credentials of the clinic you are going put your stake for fertility.

  • The fertility clinic should be board-certified.
  • They must have qualified and trained specialist in their management and treatment team. They must be well-equipped with the state of the art facility.
  • They must provide proper counseling through which they could provide detailed information regarding your prevailing condition, treatment and risk, and complications, etc.

2. Experience

This is the most important aspect that could decide how far you can expect from them to produce results. Having years of experience in the field assures the fact that they have performed and brought results in such cases a number of times. The level of experience will also decide how well they will tackle the complex situation or case. Hence experience is a reckoned as extremely important factor in selecting the IVF clinic.

3. Success Ratio

If the IVF clinic in Delhi has a decent success ratio, it is worth-considerable. Since it is the end-result that matters for the patient suffering from the infertility issue. It also needs to take into consideration that the success ratio of fertility results should be not just restraint to getting conceived, but having a safe and healthy delivery as well.